Saturday, June 4, 2011


Let me introduce you to my zoo, er um, I mean my family.

This is one of our Uromstyx. We have three.

This is one of our Leopard Geckos. We have three I think. One of them recently laid eggs so we hope some babies will come of that.

We have a male and female Frilled Dragon. These are really cool because they have this frill that they put up when threatened. It makes them look like lizardy flowers and they run on their hind legs!

YouTube Video of Frilled in action!

Four Bearded Dragons who will be of breeding age soon.

Two Clown Fish in our salt water aquarium so far.

A crap-ton of fresh water fish like African Cyclids.

And our puppies, Ghengis the Pitbull and Tesla the Doberman Pincer.

So, yup that's all our pets. We're trying to start breeding programs for the lizards to get some babies going so we can sell them for extra money. Apparently, there's a huge market for exotic pets.

This morning, the kids put Ghengis' leash on the broken part of his harness. He broke it the other day when he saw another dog loose and wanted to go play with her. He is a major spaz. So, he got loose again and we had to chase him all around the block. A nice lady one street over was having a yard sale and she tried to help me catch him. I'm thankful for people like this who realize Ghengis is not a viscous beast but just a hyper lunk head. I wish more people would give him a chance instead of calling the cops on us when he gets loose. He's a sweet dog, he just needs Ridallin or something.

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